The Vienna Board of Education is responsible for the organisation and content of school education for 6 to 18/19-year-olds in Vienna. The European Office (EUB) is part of the Präsidialabteilung [Directorate] of the Vienna Board of Education and has carried out various European initiatives in the past. A responsible approach to multilingualism and cultural diversity is an integral part of the work of the Vienna Board of Education. This approach is ensured through the "Sprachförderzentum Wien [Vienna Language Support and Development Centre]".

The European Office (EUB) has been involved in EU projects since 1997 and was lead partner (LP) in the CERNET project with SK, CZ, and HU (INTEREG IIA & IIIA 1997-2004). Project participation continued with EdGATE(3E0044I-B) as part of INTERREG IIIC and as LP in ET-struct (2CE273P1) as part of the CENTRAL EUROPE programme. The EUB was also LP for the CENTRAL EUROPE project i.e. SMART (4CE429P1). In Cross-Border-Cooperations, in the key area of promoting the languages of neighbouring regions, the EUB also has experience as LP in the two EdTRANS projects with SK (N00156) and CZ (M00249) alongside the aforementioned three EdTWIN and IB-KSP projects. The EUB has also been a coordinating partner or partner in numerous Comenius and Erasmus + projects. Over many years, the EUB has developed a team of experienced experts in the fields of project and financial management and administration. The EUB is currently involved in two cross-border education projects, BIG AT-HU and BIG AT-CZ, as a project partner.